Dr. Péter Bárdos lawyer
Teaching activity
- between 1975 and 2010 in the frame of the Eötvös Loránd
University Postgradual Law School in the field of legal
informatics und commercial law, between 2003 and 2010 as leader
of the postgradual course "Commercial Law"
- since 1985 in the Civil Law Department of Eötvös Loránd
University Faculty of Law - since 2000 as professor h.c. - in
different fields of civil law and commercial law
- several seminars in Hungary and in abroad
- Introduction into Legal Cybernetics (co-author: Dr.Bárdos
Péterné - Közgazdasági és Jogi Könyvkiadó, Budapest 1981)
- English-American Legal Language (co-author: Mag.Franz
Hedinger, Andrea Hubalek HVG-ORAC Budapest,1996)
- English-American Legal Language. Second enlarged and revised
edition (co-authors: Dr.Rita Bárdos, Mag.Franz Heidinger, Andrea
Hubalek HVG-ORAC Budapest, 1998)
- Damage Liability in the Hungarian Civil Code (HVG-ORAC
Budapest, 2001)
- Company Foundation and Investment in the European Community
(co-authers: Dr. Gabriel Lansky HVG-ORAC 2004)
- German-Austrian Legal Language (co-authors: Dr. Rita Bárdos,
Dr. Kathrin Höfer HVG-ORAC 2004)
- Commercial Law (co-author: Dr. Attila Menyhárd HVG-ORAC 2008)
- Introduction in the Commercial Law (HVG-ORAC 2015)
- Some Questions of Risk-increase in the Practice of West-German
Insurers (Biztosítási Szemle Budapest, 1969/7)
- Warranty Risk in the Liability Property Insurance Modalities
for Private Persons (Biztosítási Szemle Budapest 1970/5)
- Gross Negligence in Insurance Contracts (Magyar Jog Budapest,
- Some Problems of Assignment by Law of Insurers (Biztosítási
Szemle Budapest, 1972/9)
- Some Problems of Forwarder's liability in the International
Forwarding (Biztosítási Szemle Budapest,1974/3)
- Some Principle Problems of Cybernetic Methods for Solving
Legal Problems (co-author dr.Bárdos Péterné -Jogtudományi
Közlöny Budapest, 1974/239-245)
- Legal and Cybernetic Analysis of Legal Problems by means of
Cybernetic Methods (co-author dr.Bárdos Péterné - Jogtudományi
Közöny Budapest,1975/9-30)
- The Structure of Thinking in Solving Legal Problems
(Jogtudományi Közlöny Budapest, 1975/63-82)
- Application of Decision Tables for Analysing Legal Problems
(co-author dr.Bárdos Péterné, Ügyvitel és Szervezés az
Államigazgatásban, Budapest, 1975/2)
- Einige theoretische Probleme von für Lösung von Rechtsfällen
angewandten kybernetischen Methoden (co-author dr.Bárdos
Péterné, Forscung aus Staat und Recht, Springer Verlag 1978)
- Experiment for Analysing Legal Cases by means of Matematical
Methods. Determination of Childcare Allowance by Learning
Algorithmus (co-authors dr.Bárdos Péterné, Gulyás Ottó,
Jogtudományi Közlöny Budapest, 1979/5)
- Principal Basis of Cybernetic Methods Applied for Solving
Legal Problems (co-author dr.Bárdos Péterné, Jogtudományi
Közlöny Budapest,1975/5)
- Interdependances between Law and Logics (Jogtudományi Közlöny
Budapest, 1981/10)
- Remarks to the Methodology of Law (Jogtudományi Közlöny
Budapest, 1988/5)
- Principal Problems of the Company Act (Gazdaság és Jog
Budapest, 1993/1)
- On Basic Principles of Trade Law (Gazdaság és Jog Budapest,
- Remarks to the Capital on Damage Liability of the Proposal
(Civil Law Codification 2002/5-6)
- Business Law Renaissance (Gazdaság és Jog 2006/8)
- Impacts of Europaen Law on Hungarian Civil Law (Jogtudományi
Közlöny 2006/9)
- Legal Conditions of Business Activity of Foreigners in
Hungary (Gazdaság és Jog 2008/12)