
Dr. Péter Bárdos Law Office


  • Introduction into Legal Cybernetics (co-author: Dr.Bárdos Péterné - Közgazdasági és Jogi Könyvkiadó, Budapest 1981)
  • English-American Legal Language (co-author: Mag.Franz Hedinger, Andrea Hubalek HVG- ORAC Budapest,1996)
  • English-American Legal Language. Second enlarged and revised edition (co-authors: Dr.Rita Bárdos, Mag.Franz Heidinger, Andrea Hubalek HVG-ORAC Budapest, 1998)
  • Damage Liability in the Hungarian Civil Code (HVG-ORAC Budapest, 2001)
  • Company Foundation and Investment in the European Community (co-authers: Dr. Gabriel Lansky HVG-ORAC 2004)
  • German-Austrian Legal Language (co-authors: Dr. Rita Bárdos, Dr. Kathrin Höfer HVG-ORAC 2004)
  • Commercial Law (co-author: Dr. Attila Menyhárd HVG-ORAC 2008)
  • Introduction in the Commercial Law (HVG-ORAC 2015)
  • Liability of Carriers (HVG – ORAC 2020)

